Friday, November 19, 2010

What they say is true, Bitches be crazy.

In the past few months of not blogging, I learnt a few new things:
Never sleep on a mat with an A/C going full blast and
its never too late to grow back balls.

But the most thing I learnt, though I wish it was untrue, women are dumb. There is something wrong with their basic brain chemistry that makes them wet for the wrong things.

“What does that mean?” Random guy, who still reads my blog and is my number one fan! What I mean is very simple, appreciating them gets you nowhere. Period.

“So, what is so new about that, you jackass!” Frustrated number one fan, what's new in that is that women are just not evolving.

Simply put, be a jerk. A jerk does not necessarily mean physical abuse. Rather physical abuse does not make you macho.

Why I wrote this blog in the first place:
On some random nights out on the street, I have seen women being dragged by their hair (metaphorically). One such event that horrified me was when a guy was actually was abusing a woman physically and verbally. The woman just stood there taking it, making sure no-one was looking at that. I and my photographer friend Pratik Desai, thought we should be helping... As weird as it may seem when the woman saw us approach, she left. That struck us like a bolt of lightning, especially me, I wondered sleepless that night, Why do women like abusive relationship?

This incident fucked me up, big time!
Since, that day I decided to change my attitude towards women. I was nicer, not as rude as I used to be, more understanding to their feelings(sensitive), attentive (torturous [My dad bla, my bro bla and my ex don't get me started] she did start on it) and everything gay. Not surprisingly, it has come back to bite me! 

It got me f*cking nowhere. Rather, I became like a punching bag. I used to be dominant; in the quest of being nicer I lost that. Expressing your real feelings, gives women a superiority orgasm, avoid doing it. No matter how good she looks... You seen better. Even better, there is one right on the next table.

I am not advocating physical or verbal abuse, never. Just that if you don't keep them on their toes or they shoot you in your face.

I thought understanding them is all I need, after I understanding them, I know they are just plain crazy. A dear friend (who is a woman) has agreed with a grin.

My Twitter handle is here, if you don't like what I say or need to rectify me. Feel free to contact me on Twitter. 


  1. True, women love abusive relationships. (I am a woman and no, I don't like abusive relationships but that is the truth :)

  2. superiority orgasm was the best part!! and how true!
    it does not matter to them whether they are right or wrong ,what matters is if its a man "HE HAS TO BE WRONG"

  3. Statistically speaking, unless one gets a sample of 30 (minimum) of any incidence, that particular thing can't be generalized. Based on one incidence, you generalized that women are dumb!
    I am a guy and I have met some of the brightest women and some of the dumbest men! That doesnt mean women are intelligent n men dumbass!
    Never mind. Well written anyways :)
